M Best practices and tips¶
- Accounting file management
- Additional configuration settings
- Allocating CPUs as blocks for parallel jobs
- Cleaning up parallel job execution problems
- Configuring IBM Aspera as a data transfer tool
- Customizing output format and reducing network traffic for job queries
- Defining external host-based resources
- Enforcing job memory and swap with Linux cgroups
- Job access control
- Job directories
- Integration with AFS
- Maintaining cluster performance
- Managing floating software licenses
- Optimizing job processing with CPU frequency governors enabled
- OS partitioning and virtualization on Oracle Solaris and IBM AIX
- Performance metrics for mbatchd
- Placing jobs based on available job slots of hosts
- Running checksum to verify installation images
- Tracking job dependencies
- Using compute units for topology scheduling
- Using lsmake to accelerate Android builds
- Using NVIDIA DGX systems with LSF
- Using ssh X11 forwarding
- Using the LSF API Python wrapper